วันอังคารที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Loans After Bankruptcy - Guidlines To Help Ensure You Get Approved

By Dean Shainin

What happens after bankruptcy? You become free from your previous debts. Yet, will you be able to make succeeding debts?

Loans after bankruptcy could be a worst case scenario for the debtor who had gone through a previous bankruptcy case. However, most people only think that it is impossible to make loans after bankruptcy.

Here are two guidelines to ensure the likelihood of getting necessary loans after bankruptcy.

1. First, a person who is previously involved in a bankruptcy case should wait at least 2 years before applying for a mortgage loan. This is because most lenders want to observe how the bankrupt has managed his finances during the extent of that period. As long as the debtor has been reported to have successfully and responsibly kept to his credit agency on time and has been having a faultless payment history in practice, then there will be a better break for lenders to qualify him for mortgage loans after bankruptcy. More often than not, the previously bankrupt individual can be expected get even a one hundred percent hit in getting his finances right back on track in just a period of two years.

2. On the other hand, if the debtor, now the reformed loaner has bad credit and immediately needs to apply for necessary loans after bankruptcy even before a sufficient waiting time has elapsed, he may still be granted a mortgage loan provided that the considerate lender rather places emphasis on this borrower�s income down payment. Basically, the loaner�s down payment to be provided should amount to no less than 3 to 5 % in order to get the loan approval. In most cases, once the financing has started, then it would be possible to get a second or a third mortgage allowing for more chances to repay the loan. Nonetheless, if the expended loaner lacks the good fortune of borrowing some money to be used as down-payment, or that his lenders have given him a rigid regulation on where the down comes from, then he may still approach a down-payment assistance program as secondary option. Under the down payment assistance, the seller aid may be able to give the loaner a reasonable amount for his mortgage down-payment.

Consequently, once a person files for bankruptcy, has bad credit, or lacks any resource whatsoever, he will still have a fairly painful time in getting a mortgage loan after bankruptcy.

Before you apply for loans after bankruptcy, it may be good to first look back and figure out what went wrong in your finances to avoid going through the same path twice. Were you overspending? Was your income simply not enough to support you, which resulted in too much debt? Did a sudden illness, accident, or unemployment drive your finances to the ground?

If the reason you went bankrupt were big and unforeseen expenses, then prepare yourself for these times. Invest in an insurance coverage and set up a savings account strictly for emergency purposes only. This way, you lessen the need to borrow money and reduce the risk of acquiring too many loans after bankruptcy than you can handle.

Dean Shainin offers online Bankruptcy and debt advice. For more information, articles, news, tools and valuable resources on bankruptcy and debt solutions, visit this site: Loans After Bankruptcy
